My photo

Hi. Welcome to my website. My name is Ihor. I am a web programmer with ten years of experience. I work online, as a freelancer. I do projects in English, Ukrainian and Polish languages. Live in Lviv, Ukraine.

The Calculator widget with TypeScript and React.js


I created this widget for my skills demonstration in Web front-end development. It was built with React.js, React Styled Components, and TypeScript. React Styled Components bring component-orientated principles into CSS styling. Styles are joined with React.js components. It makes obvious the purpose of each CSS rule

Two and a half years of work for «The Negotiation Experts» company

Done work

Time passes quickly when you work in the good company, and your job is enjoyable. Two and a half years of my work for «The Negotiation Experts» company have passed. I was one of the key programmers involved in the development of the company's corporate website. The daily contribution of our team has brought significant improvements to the website, which is the main advertising and information carrier of the company

My LinkedIn profile

General information

LinkedIn is the world's largest and most popular social network for business contacts. It is convenient to search for employees and vacancies there, to communicate with colleagues and to leave and receive recommendations. There you can also take assessment tests to confirm professional skills

One year of work for «The Negotiation Experts» company

Done work

I have worked for «The Negotiation Experts» company for a year now. It all started with a relatively small order. Calum Coburn, the owner of the company, was looking for a specialist in website optimization by loading speed. He wanted to speed up his company's main website, and he hired me for that. In total, I worked on this for about three weeks, and have achieved good loading speed performance

Google Pagespeed optimization for negotiations.com

Done work SEO

In the middle of December 2017 I got work offer from Calum Coburn, the «Negotiation Experts» company. «Negotiation Experts» is international company. They provide courses for managers. These courses order such big companies as British Petroleum, Shell, Mars, Hilton, Unilever, Sisco, Xerox. Full companies list is here. Offices of «Negotiation Experts» company are in Sydney, New York and London. Calum Coburn coordinates their website development. It is very important to them to have good

Free online server for Opti MozJpeg Guetzli WebP

Opti MozJpeg Guetzli Webp

I have created free online server with encoders for for Opti MozJpeg Guetzli WebP users, that have difficulties with the virtual machine. The free server access parameters: SSH Server: wpmjgu-free-server.ihorsl.com SSH Port: 22 SSH Username: z SSH Password: 55555 Working directory at SSH server: /home/z/wpmjgu

Brief manual for Opti MozJpeg Guetzli WebP

Opti MozJpeg Guetzli Webp

In this brief manual, I will describe the most simple way of setting up and use of "Opti MozJpeg Guetzli WebP" plugin for WordPress. First install the plugin. Stable version is available in WordPress's plugins repository. Latest beta version is here Next install Oracle VirtualBox. It is the free virtual computer emulator. (www.virtualbox.org) Then download my virtual machine. It contains Linux, ssh server and encoders

Free Wordpress plugin for images optimization - Opti MozJpeg Guetzli WebP

Opti MozJpeg Guetzli Webp

WordPress Opti MozJpeg Guetzli WebP - is the FREE plugin for high quality image optimization in WordPress website. It was created to meet latest requirements of Google Pagespeed Insights. Google will "like" all your images after using this plugin, and you will expend $0 for that. This plugin uses flowing image encoders: Mozilla MozJpeg, Google Guetzli and Google WebP. But don't worry. There is no necessity to install them into your hosting. The plugin has built-in ssh client

How to test your site for compatibility with all kind of devices


Computer devices become obsolete in 5-6 years. It's from my own experience. But devices produced during last 5 years are in use. So a good quality website should work fine on all of them. If now is 2018, then this is the period from 2013 till 2018. Let's think about it. If there is a PC produced in 2013, it probably runs Windows 7, 8 or 10. In this case desktop browser would automatically update to the latest version. But what about phones and tablets

Loading speed optimization for knowzo.com

Done work SEO

knowzo.com - is a website about health and medicine. It contains a lot of useful information for wide range of readers. The office of the website is located in Akron city, Ohio, USA. The website had quite low rank in the Google Pagespeed Insights. The reason was it used the "Extra" wordpress theme, which wasn't optimized according to nowadays SEO requirements. By using my own software I have selected css styles, responsible for pages' top appearance. And have included them into

A lot of work was done on bestinvestor.ru

Done work

bestinvestor.ru - is a Russian blog about on-line investment. There are so called HIYP projects in the internet. HIYP means High Yield Investment Program. The author of this blog is an expert in the HIYP investments. He earns on them and help other people to earn on them. A lot of work was done by me on bestinvestor.ru during 2017. The major tasks were

Mobile version for trip-point.ru

Done work Mobile versions

I really enjoyed working on this site. This site is about traveling, and I am keen on traveling. The authors collected useful information about trips to almost all countries of the world. Mobile version was needed for this site, and I was hired to make it. Before I stared the site was absolutely not suitable for mobile devices. The content was simply scaled down on small screens. Fonts were not readable. The first thing I have done was replacement of four columns content carcases with

Search engine optimization

General information

We all use search sites, such as Google, Yahoo or Bing. After we have made a search query we receive first page of results, and links to next pages with results. Sites in search results are sorted according to relevance. The algorithm of this sorting is one of the key features of search engine. Best programmers of the world work on it. If you want to lift your site in search results, you need to make a SEO. SEO in fact means Search Engine Optimization. So how does Search Engine Optimization work

Mobile version for sites

General information

Mobile computers, such as smartphones and tablets, got great popularity during last 10 year. Nowadays most people have touch screen phones, and also use them for the internet surfing. But if your website was created several years ago, it probably won't work on such devices. The reason is they have small screens. Therefore website should be specially adapted to work fine on mobile devices. Such adaptation requires circumstantial remake of website graphical carcass

Online stores

General information

I remember those times, when online stores appeared. They seemed like an amusement at that time. Nevertheless, people gradually noticed benefits of online shopping: it is possible to visit many shops and don't go anywhere, so save time. In online shops the choice is bigger. A buyer can find the lowest prise on the market, and in the same time has guaranties of money back in case of problems with the purchase. Appreciable advantages are also for e-store owners

Websites creation and customization

General information

Website creation is quite an interesting occupation. We should light a new star in the boundless sky of the internet. There are so many stars in the sky of the internet, but yours should be special: interesting, original and useful. The first step to achieve that - is thoroughly plan the content of the future website. Usually, websites are created to bring information to people. During content planning we should provisionally split the content in categories and subcategories. The next step

My Biography

General information

I was born in April 1983 in Lviv. Lviv is a regional centre of west Ukraine. It has population of 700 thousands citizens. It is situated 80 kilometres from Poland border, in other words 80 km from European Union border. First I studied in ordinary general education school. But I had desire to develop and to achieve more, then my classmates. When I was 11 years old me and my parents took decision to transfer me to another school. We chose Lviv Academic Gymnasium