Google Pagespeed optimization for


In the middle of December 2017 I got work offer from Calum Coburn, the «Negotiation Experts» company. «Negotiation Experts» is international company. They provide courses for managers. These courses order such big companies as British Petroleum, Shell, Mars, Hilton, Unilever, Sisco, Xerox. Full companies list is here. Offices of «Negotiation Experts» company are in Sydney, New York and London.

Calum Coburn coordinates their website development. It is very important to them to have good SEO, including Google PageSpeed Insights score. Their website is classical WordPress website with purchased theme «ElegantThemes Divi». The website had a lot of issues in Google PageSpeed Insights. You can see the full list of issues and the scores at these screenshots:

Before. Mobile version score

Before. Desktop version score

It was in average 35 points for mobile version, and 45 points for desktop.

I worked hard to fix all these issues, and it took me three weeks. As the result - the website has now 86 points in mobile version, and 93 points in desktop (maximal possible score is 100 points).

After. Mobile version score

After. Mobile version score. Content page

After. Desktop version score

After. Desktop version score. Content page

The most difficult part of the work was to create First Screen CSS Cache. This is the set of styles responsible for the website's pages appearance, before a site visitor uses scroll. In general there are 6500 css rules in this website. Using my special script I selected 650 css rules, and put them to pages header. The rest stiles are now loading in pages footer. In this way "Eliminate render-blocking CSS" issue is resolving. First Screen CSS Cache gives normal look to the website's pages during load, while main css files are not loaded yet.

This time I haven't moved jQuery to pages footer. This is because the «Divi» theme is built with jQuery.

The result is of my work is really nice. And it could be even improved to 95 of 100, if site owner used faster server, and reduced server response time to < 0.2 second.

Here is the Calum Coburn's feedback about my work at

«Ihor delivered as promised. Ihor transformed our slow pagespeed to 93 in the US, and 86 here in Sydney. Ihor is highly communicative, and he worked well with my team. While it took longer, I'm very happy with the result»

A bit later I reconfigured CloudFlare CDN and increased the website's score to 93 worldwide, including Sydney. When this project was complete, Calum offered me to continue work for him on constant basis.

February 22, 2018
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Hi. Welcome to my website. My name is Ihor. I am a web programmer with ten years of experience. I work online, as a freelancer. I do projects in English, Ukrainian and Polish languages. Live in Lviv, Ukraine.