One year of work for «The Negotiation Experts» company


I have worked for «The Negotiation Experts» company for a year now. It all started with a relatively small order. Calum Coburn, the owner of the company, was looking for a specialist in website optimization by loading speed. He wanted to speed up his company's main website, and he hired me for that. In total, I worked on this for about three weeks, and have achieved good loading speed performance. You can read more about it here.

The owner of the company was satisfied with the results of my work and our communication. He offered me to continue working for his company on a permanent basis, in the full-time position as WordPress senior developer. I accepted his offer.

During the year I have implemented many different tasks on the website, including:

  • Programming of new content blocks of different types (regular, fixed-location, drop-down, animated)
  • Modification of existing blocks and menus
  • Animated menus programming
  • Redesign of the layout from fixed to adaptive on most pages
  • Automatic generation of the sitemap.xml, taking into account the specifics of pages and sections of the website
  • Integration of the structures
  • Google PageSpeed optimization
  • Images optimization, webp duplicates generation
  • Modular separation of code from the functions.php and the style.css, transferring it to separate classes and files
  • Search engine optimization
  • The revision of installed plugins and descriptions for them
  • Several plugins updated (including already customized)
  • Installation of additional plugins and their integration with the program code of the website
  • WordPress kernel update
  • Clean of obsolete code, that is no longer used

I like my job at «The Negotiation Experts» company. The team is well-chosen. Developers and QA engineers have many years of experience. Linux system administrators are qualified. We are implemented with tools, required for the convenient work: several staging servers, Git, Bitbucket, Jira, Jenkins. The development process is supervised by Antonio Caccamo, an experienced tech lead from Italy.

The owner of the company has given me this recommendation letter, as additional gratitude for the year of my work:

January 26, 2019
My photo

Hi. Welcome to my website. My name is Ihor. I am a web programmer with ten years of experience. I work online, as a freelancer. I do projects in English, Ukrainian and Polish languages. Live in Lviv, Ukraine.