Free Wordpress plugin for images optimization - Opti MozJpeg Guetzli WebP

WordPress Opti MozJpeg Guetzli WebP - is the FREE plugin for high quality image optimization in WordPress website. It was created to meet latest requirements of Google Pagespeed Insights. Google will "like" all your images after using this plugin, and you will expend $0 for that.
This plugin uses flowing image encoders: Mozilla MozJpeg, Google Guetzli and Google WebP. But don't worry. There is no necessity to install them into your hosting. The plugin has built-in ssh client. It can access encoders remotely via ssh tunnel.
Plugin's author created a virtual machine for Oracle VirtualBox. It contains Linux, ssh server and Mozilla MozJpeg, Google Guetzli and Google WebP. Simply run this virtual machine on your computer, establish ssh connection between the plugin and the virtual machine and optimize your images for free without any limitations.
Of course the plugin can use locally installed encoders too.
The plugin can create webp duplicates for all your images and serve them to webp compatible browsers. Lately Google Pagespeed changed the rules of the game. It wants now all images to be smaller then webp with quality 75 + 10%. And this plugin can do it for you.
The plugin can convert non alpha png images into jpeg. Automatically generates thumbnails.
All your images will be backed up before changing. You can run batch optimization many times, experiment with settings. And every time original images will be used as source. No quality degradation.
There is also the ability "Revert everything". It can bring back the initial state of your images. All your images will be the same, as they were before this plugin use.
The plugin is compatible with WordPress 4.7 or higher, and with php 5.4 or higher.
Please read this brief manual, before using the plugin.
You can download stable version of the plugin from WordPress's plugins repository. Latest beta version of the plugin is available here
The virtual machine with encoders is here
If you have difficulties with use of the virtual machine in your computer, you may try the plugin author's free online server. Click here to read more.