Websites creation and customization

website building

Website creation is quite an interesting occupation. We should light a new star in the boundless sky of the internet. There are so many stars in the sky of the internet, but yours should be special: interesting, original and useful.

The first step to achieve that - is thoroughly plan the content of the future website. Usually, websites are created to bring information to people. During content planning we should provisionally split the content in categories and subcategories.

The next step - we should decide whether the future website will contain automated elements, such as forms, calculators, etc. Such automated elements should be programmed additionally.

Next we should choose the platform for the new website. Using of a pre-existing platform allows us to significantly decrease creation time and, therefore, decrease the price. Most present-day websites are created on WordPress Content Management System. But depending on the situation another platform may be chosen.

One more step - the graphical design for the future website. The future website must be beautiful, otherwise it won't be successful. The simplest way in this case is to buy or find free graphical design, and adapt it to the needs of the website. The other way is to create a new graphical theme from scratch. This way is longer and more expensive. But you can get an absolutely unique theme. A professional designer is required for custom theme creation.

When all those steps are ready, we can start writing the "Product requirements document" (PRD). The PRD must contain everything about the future website: about content, automated elements, design, and other features. The product requirements document is actually an agreement between developer and client. According to the PRD a developer works and a client accepts or doesn't accept the done work.

If a client needs to change an existing website, then the first thing to discuss between the client and the developer is whether the developer knows the platform on which the client's website is built. In most cases this platform is called the "content management system". There are lots of content management systems, and a programmer can't know them all well. If programmer knows well the content management system of the client's website - they could work together. The client should also write a "Product Requirements Document" (PRD) for website altering.  In this case the PRD will contain information about the changes the client wants.

I will give you a free consultation about website creation or altering. Just contact with me.

October 9, 2015
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Hi. Welcome to my website. My name is Ihor. I am a web programmer with ten years of experience. I work online, as a freelancer. I do projects in English, Ukrainian and Polish languages. Live in Lviv, Ukraine.