Loading speed optimization for knowzo.com

knowzo.com - is a website about health and medicine. It contains a lot of useful information for wide range of readers. The office of the website is located in Akron city, Ohio, USA.
The website had quite low rank in the Google Pagespeed Insights. The reason was it used the "Extra" wordpress theme, which wasn't optimized according to nowadays SEO requirements.
By using my own software I have selected css styles, responsible for pages' top appearance. And have included them into the html head. The website includes approximately 2000 css rules. And only 350 css rules are responsible for pages' top appearance.
I have also reformed site javascripts in order to make them load asynchronously. Including jQuery.
Before my work the site was in the red zone in Google Pagespeed Insights. Now most of pages of the site are in the green zone, and have score over 80.
The site owner appreciated my work and left good comment about me at freelancer.com :
“Completed every task of the project professionally, on time and on budget. He put out the extra effort to complete complex tasks that required more time than expected. Good communication, knowledge and skills. I was more than pleased. I would hire again!. ”
Here are some screenshots of the site's current speed tests :