Two and a half years of work for «The Negotiation Experts» company


Time passes quickly when you work in the good company, and your job is enjoyable. Two and a half years of my work for «The Negotiation Experts» company have passed. I was one of the key programmers involved in the development of the company's corporate website. The daily contribution of our team has brought significant improvements to the website, which is the main advertising and information carrier of the company.

The business owner is working hard to get his website in the top 10 Google search results. This provides him a flow of orders. Therefore, his website must be of high quality: carefully thought out, ergonomic, and attractive to potential customers. And for search engines - well optimized, fast, and without mistakes.

Every day our team worked diligently and devotedly on the website, implementing the ideas of the company owner and his advisors. The right development process, team members with many years of experience, the industry-standard developer tools (Jira, BitBucket, Git, Jenkins, several staging servers). All of these have contributed to progress in improving the website.

During two and a half years, I have implemented many different tasks on the website, including:

  • Programming of new content blocks of different types (regular, fixed-location, drop-down, animated)
  • Modification of existing blocks and menus
  • Animated menus programming
  • Redesign of the layout from fixed to adaptive on most pages
  • Automatic generation of the sitemap.xml, taking into account the specifics of pages and sections of the website
  • Integration of the structures
  • Programming of the customer relationship management functionality, including automatic sending of pdf invoices to clients' e-mail
  • Puppeteer integration to generate pdf files
  • Integration of e-mail subscription on the website with the
  • Google PageSpeed optimization
  • Images optimization, webp duplicates generation
  • Code refactoring, programming object-oriented classes for frequently used data structures
  • Modular separation of code from the functions.php and the style.css, transferring it to separate classes and files
  • Search engine optimization
  • Writing scripts for automatic website deployment from staging servers to the production server
  • Blocks with the Lottie animation
  • The revision of installed plugins and descriptions for them
  • Several plugins updated (including already customized)
  • Installation of additional plugins and their integration with the program code of the website
  • WordPress kernel update
  • Clean of obsolete code, that is no longer used

We continue our collaboration with Calum Coburn, the owner of «The Negotiation Experts». I am now involved as the website development supervisor. Also, I help to interview new programmers, that pretend to work for the company.

Calum Coburn has given me these recommendation letters, as additional gratitude for my high-quality work:

negotiation-experts-2018-recommendation-letter negotiation-experts-2019-recommendation-letter negotiation-experts-2020-recommendation-letter
November 7, 2020
My photo

Hi. Welcome to my website. My name is Ihor. I am a web programmer with ten years of experience. I work online, as a freelancer. I do projects in English, Ukrainian and Polish languages. Live in Lviv, Ukraine.